One of Paddington’s most historic pubs is now welcoming customers once more, though patrons are restricted to outdoor service in light of the ongoing Covid regulations.

Customers are still forbidden from enjoying the experience of sitting in the interior of this remarkably well preserved genuine Victorian public house with its fabulous engraved glasswork and stunning gallery of nineteenth century Royalty displayed on every surface.

However, the pub’s landlord and landlady, Chris and Helen (pictured above) tell us that they are really excited to be opening again after so may months during which the locals have told them they have really missed their pub.

Tiny Rebels’s Boogaloo – a passion fruit Indian Pale Ale – is an innovation waiting for the Victoria’s first returning customers, though the establishment’s booze hounds will probably be supping something a little more traditional.

Seating capacity outside is at 60, and the kitchen will be back in operation on 12 May. Paddington is slowly is coming back to life and as Queen Elizabeth told the nation right at the beginning of this awful pandemic: “We will meet again”.

The author enjoying a pint in spite of the cold and damp weather